Thursday, 22 September 2011

Documentary Analysis - The Devil made me do it

Type of documentary
The devil made me do it is a mixed documentary, this is shown as it uses a blend of documentary styles such as observation, interviews and the use of archived footage. During the documentary the story unfolds so we are unknown to what will happen next

The themes used in the documentary focus on such themes such as death and religion. Another theme of it is how music and the media can actually influence the public. The themes used are very contraversial as the crime committed is in a religious village in Italy.

Narrative structure
The type of narrative used is linear, we know this as the story unfolds in front of the audience and gives us the story step by step. During the beginning we are unfamiliar with why the crime had been commited but we are shown given the information that a nun had been killed in a small village. In the middle of the documentary we are given a balanced argument between whether if Manson and is influence with his music is to blame for the crime that had been commited. In the end all of the loose knots are tied up in the documentary and everything goes back to normal in the village, we are also shown or given the conclusion that the music is not to blame for the crime, and that the teenagers who commited the crime are sent to prison

During the documentary there are many different camera shots used, in one sequence there is an establishing shot of the small village and the camera pans around it as a narrative is above, this portrays the village as innocent as the camera is looking down at it. During one of the concerts the camera work uses high and low angles, it uses low angles on Manson to portray his dominance or leadership over the fans, this is balanced with the use of high angles on the crowd to show their innocence and in some cases are being influenced by the music, Also we are shown long shots from the crowds perspective so this gives the audience their own opinion on the subject and gives us an insight on what the crowd can see. During the reconstructions, cantered angles are used to make the audience feel off balance or on edge. All of the interviews are shot with close ups expect one is used with an extreme close up on the interviewees face, this portrays their importance on the interview and portrays that what they are saying is fact and is serious.

To get the best responses from the interviewees they are interviewed in their own environment for example Manson is interviewed in his dressing room, or friends of the teenagers are interviewed at their home. During one scene we see a crowd who are wearing black clothing except for one of them, this is by the use of them wearing red clothing to make them seem more important or stand out, the use of red clothing can also signal danger or something bad is about to happen.

At the beginning of the documentary Manson's music is played while showing the crowds, this sets up the documentary for what is about to happen as it is his music that is being questioned throughout. During a scene in a chapel in Italy, choral music is played over it, this can signal the contradiction between the music played earlier and in some cases portray good vs evil. In the reconstruction sound is used to dramatise the scene such as the enhances sounds such as steps and a heart beat to give a shock factor to the audience as the audience is not shown what is happening but they know exactly what is going on through the use of the sound. The documentary also uses natural sound such as the sound of police cars and church bells during certain scenes.

The use of editing uses long takes during the documentary, at times it also portrays characteres in different ways for example it portrays Manson as negative through the clips shown such as him ripping up a bible which is contraversial. During Mansons concert it uses shot/reverse shots between him and the crowd, as he is singing it skips to the crowd mimicking his actions or words.

Archive material
The use of footage that is taken not from the documentary are parts of Manson's music videos so the footage used is relevent to the subject, it also has footage of talk shows when they are having a debate about the matter of if music is to blame, the footage used create a sense of wrong doing for the character and are portraying Manson as negative or the villian in some cases.

The use of graphics during the interviews are plain white font so that the audience does not get distracted or put off what is going on. During the opening credits the font is white on a black screen, the font used is reflecting religion so this can portray good vs evil. Also during the concert the lyrics of the songs are subtitled for the audience to see so that they can have their own opinion on the matter or subject.

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